First Presbyterian Church Tacoma

Christmas Events 2022

12/10 Christmas at Camp

On Saturday, December 10th from 1-5 pm, come and enjoy Christmas celebrations at Camp McCullough!


12/17 Christmas Concert

The most beautiful music of the year at FPC is coming on Saturday, December 17th at 4:00 pm.

12/18 Kids’ Christmas Program

The FPC Kids’ Christmas Program will feature our preschool & elementary kids preforming live songs along with the beloved recorded nativity play. Sunday, December 18th during the 10:30am Worship Service.

12/18 Blue Christmas

This will be a service of contemplation, prayer, and encouragement for our community. Sunday, December 18th, 7pm-8:30pm

12/19 Friendship Luncheon

If you are 55+, we want to invite you to celebrate the Christmas season at our Annual Friendship Luncheon on Monday, December 19, at noon.

12/24 Christmas Eve

Join us on Saturday, December 24 at 7pm for a very special candlelight service!

12/25 Christmas Day

Our 10:30 am Christmas morning service will be cozy and casual. Feel free to wear your PJs!