
Learn about how our church is led and governed.

How We Are Governed

First Presbyterian Church (FPC) is governed by a board of Elders elected by members of the congregation. This board of Elders is called the “Session,” and it meets twice a month (once for study and prayer, and once for a business meeting). Duties and responsibilities of the Session can be found in the Polity of our denomination, the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians (ECO). Session members serve 3-year terms. The Session governs the work of the congregation through committees.

In addition to the Session, FPC has a board of Deacons, which oversees care and visitation for those who are sick and in distress, both inside our congregation and in the greater community.

Current Leadership Team

2024 Session (Elders)

Anna Heath, Clerk of Session
Terry Forslund
Barb Gehrett
Pat Beard
Walt Erhardt
Stu Fraser
Terry Russell

Commissioned Lay Pastors

Michelle Martinez
Kathy Hawkins

Senior Leadership Team

 Eric Jacobsen
Aaron Byers
Laurel Juergens
Michelle Martinez

Committee Chairs

  • Endowment: Devon Duval
  • Finance: Chad Edinger, Chair; Tim Kleefeld, Vice Chair
  • Missions: Tim Kleefeld
  • Personnel: Denise Greer
  • FPC Cor Deo School (K-4): Cailyn Aune
  • FPC Preschool: Diana Agustsson

2024 Deacons

Jennifer Rich - Chair
Jason Bartley
Tony Caro
Annette Clingman
Paula Cook
Tom Fox
Stephanie Fraser
Russ Guppy
Jenn Jensen
Madi Leifson
Suzanne Messenger