In the Winter, we spotlight the Up direction and focus our energy and attention on our relationship with God. In the Spring, we spotlight the Out direction and we focus our energy and attention on serving others and pursuing mission. In the late Summer and Fall, we spotlight the In direction and we focus our energy and attention on our relationships within the Christian community and in our marriages and families. During each of these seasons, we highlight the importance of the pertinent aspect of discipleship, challenge our congregation to grow in that area, and encourage everyone to support one another as we strive to grow in Christ together.
It is our intention and hope that as we pursue these rhythms of discipleship in the Up, In, and Out directions year after year, it will help us all experience a greater sense of belonging to God and to each other. And it is our hope that these regular times of focusing on one particular aspect of discipleship and the various initiatives and activities associated with them will provide on-ramps for our neighbors and others who are not part of our community to feel included and welcomed into our fellowship.