Practicing for Eternity Challenge

January 22 - March 4th, 2023

As disciples practicing for eternity, in this UP season, we are challenging our congregation to commit to taking one step in growing their quiet time with God over a six-week period of time.

“Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” John 17:3

Questions to contemplate:

  • What am I longing for in my relationship with God?
  • Am I spending regular time in God’s Word? Is there anything I’d like to change?
    • Possible steps: Increase frequency/consistency. Use a reading plan. Try a different way of interacting with what I read (e.g. Lectio Divina)
  • What does my prayer life look like? Is there anything I’d like to change?
    • Possible steps: Increase frequency/consistency. Journal my prayers. Pray in the middle of my day. Praying the Examen.
  • Do I ever take time to just be with God in silence? Or is there another spiritual practice I would like to explore?
  • How can I do this in a way that fits with my schedule?
  • Would I benefit from accountability? What kind of accountability would be most beneficial? (e.g. a habit tracker, a friend, my small group)

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